Iowa DOT Issues 2023-2024 State Transportation Map

An updated version of one of the most popular publications issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation is now available.

[Above image by the Iowa DOT]

Copies of the printed version of the 2023-2024 Iowa Transportation Map can now be obtained at driver’s license service centers, county treasurer’s offices, all six Iowa DOT district offices, Iowa welcome centers, and all state rest areas. To view, print, or download the electronic version of the new transportation map, visit or access the agency’s mobile application

The agency said the updated transportation map shows all highways, airports, rail lines, lakes, rivers, and major county roads. Detail maps are shown for the state’s 16 largest cities that identify highways, major streets, and city boundaries.

The map information also includes a chart to find mileage between select Iowa cities; and an index listing the cities shown on the map, along with their populations and map location.

Because the transportation system is always changing, the Iowa DOT said in a statement that it makes “several hundred changes” to the map with each printing. While the map is printed every two years, the online and mobile app versions are updated annually, the agency noted.

Several state departments of transportation recently issued highway maps updates that offered expanded and/or new features.

For example, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation recently activated an online archive of official state highway maps created over the past 100 years, with current maps including highway data from the Wisconsin DOT and “creative content” jointly developed with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.

Wisconsin’s Official State Highway Map is provided free to the public, now required by state law, and is distributed by the Wisconsin Department of Tourism as well as via visitor centers, rest areas, fuel stations, and other businesses and organizations statewide.

And in February, the North Dakota Department of Transportation joined a multi-agency tourism and marketing campaign tied to the 100th anniversary edition of the North Dakota state highway map.

That campaign builds off “image and advertising effectiveness” research that took place in 2022. The campaign, called “Hello,” builds on feedback showing that North Dakota defies expectations with its vast outdoors, exciting events and cities, friendly people and affordability.

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