Entry Deadline Near for America’s Transportation Awards

There are two weeks remaining to submit nominations for the 2023 America’s Transportation Awards competition.

[Above image by AASHTO]

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials opened the nomination portal for the 2023 America’s Transportation Awards on March 3 and April 14 is the deadline for online application submissions. Click here to submit a nomination for this year’s contest.

Image by AASHTO

Sponsored by AASHTO, AAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the annual America’s Transportation Awards contest evaluates projects in three categories: Quality of Life/Community Development, Best Use of Technology & Innovation, and Operations Excellence.

The projects are also divvyed up by size: Small (projects costing up to $25 million), Medium (projects that cost between $26 million to $200 million), and Large (projects costing more than $200 million).

[The video below provides a profile of the winners of the 2022 competition.]

All the nominated projects first compete in one of four regional meetings over the summer, with the three highest scoring projects from each region named to the “Top 12” finalist list. Those 12 finalists then go on to compete for the top two national prizes.

An independent panel of transportation industry experts selects the Grand Prize winner, while the public will decide the People’s Choice Award winner through online voting, weighted to each state’s population to allow for greater competition between states with larger and smaller populations.

The winners of the Grand Prize and People’s Choice – each coming with $10,000 cash prizes to support a charity or transportation-related scholarship program of the winners’ choosing – will receive their awards at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting November 12-16 in Indianapolis.

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