Video: Transportation Secretary Chao Highlights Infrastructure…
March 1, 2019Making infrastructure construction more productive by cutting “red tape” at the federal level remains one of the U.S. Department of ...

Congressional Leaders Focus on Transportation Funding…
March 1, 2019A vehicle miles traveled or VMT fee, wider use of tolling, and a hike in the federal fuel tax were ...

Federal Executives Eye Future Challenges Confronting…
March 1, 2019Centralizing project permit processing, preparing for autonomous vehicles, increasing freight throughput between modes, and replacing the nation’s aging bus fleets ...

Sen. Wicker: ‘Don’t Know if We…
March 1, 2019There is an infrastructure problem, if not a crisis, in the United States, but public opinion may not yet be ...

Transportation Roundtable: Infrastructure Requires Government, Public…
March 1, 2019Revitalizing transportation infrastructure in the United States will require a “united” effort on the part of both government and the ...
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