WVDOT Featured in Two-Minute Update Video

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently released the latest episode in its “State DOT 2-Minute Update” video series; this one featuring the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

[Above photo by AASHTO]

The video features Jimmy Wriston, WVDOT secretary and commissioner of West Virginia Division of Highways, as he discusses the state’s transportation priorities such as completing the massive Corridor H interconnected highway system project and tackling seasonal challenges such as pothole patching.

“Finishing Corridor H is our number one priority in the whole state,” he said on the video. “We also have two other corridors that are also our main focus; the Coalfields Expressway and King Coal Highway. We are also getting back to our roots by taking care of our core [road] maintenance program to make our highways last when we get them fixed.”

Wriston also talked about the state’s major roadway repair effort this year, dubbed “Operation R.I.P. Potholes,” which began in early 2024 a stretch of warm weather in late January allowed three asphalt plants to begin operation; meaning WVDOT could get an earlier-than-normal jump on pothole patching.

“Everyone’s done a great job on that,” he said.

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