Wisconsin DOT Issues Quarterly Local Road Funds

Just over 1,900 local governments received the first round of the additional local road funding provided by the state’s 2019-2021 budget on January; a total of more than $132 million from the General Transportation Aids, Connecting Highway Aids and Expressway Policing Aids managed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

[Above photo via the Wisconsin Governor’s Office.]

“We’re taking the first steps in providing municipalities with the additional resources they need to prioritize and complete badly needed improvements to local roadways,” noted Governor Tony Evers (D) in a statement.

For calendar year 2020, local Wisconsin governments will receive an estimated $521 million to offset transportation related projects on a quarterly basis; a 10 percent increase over the last budget, noted Wisconsin DOT Secretary-designee Craig Thompson.

Craig Thompson

“The increase in these payments, combined with the pending $75 million in Multimodal Local Supplement grants, better positions locals,” he added. “With 90 percent of our highways under local jurisdiction, it’s imperative that we provide necessary support for these critical roads.”

The agency also noted that the January payment also includes $2.5 million in Supplemental Transportation Aid to 137 eligible towns; a technical fix to address a town funding formula issue.

Thompson also announced on January 15 that $20 million in Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust funds are now available for the replacement of eligible public transit buses across Wisconsin.

“Funding the capital needs of the state’s transit systems is an ongoing challenge,” he explained in a statement. “These grants will allow transit operators to replace aging diesel buses with new, efficient buses. We get a double benefit; improving air quality while supporting the mission of Wisconsin’s public transit systems of getting people to jobs, shopping, entertainment and appointments.”

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