Wisconsin DOT Disburses Local Transportation Grants

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation began distributing more than $99 million in local government grants on April 6; part of an overall pool of $521 million the agency is expected to dole out on a quarterly basis for calendar year 2020 to support a wide variety of transportation related projects.

The department added in a statement that this first quarterly segment of more than $99 million will be funneled to Wisconsin’s 1,850 villages, towns and cities in funding via three grant programs:

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  • More than $95.8 million via the General Transportation Aids program.
  • More than $3.01 million to municipalities eligible to receive Connecting Highway Aids grants.
  • Roughly $255,975 to Milwaukee County via the Expressway Policing Aids program.

The Wisconsin DOT explained that General Transportation Aids grants help cover the costs of constructing, maintaining, and operating roads and streets under local jurisdiction, while Connecting Highway Aids grants reimburse municipalities for maintenance and traffic control of certain state highways within municipalities.

The agency also noted that quarterly payments for cities, towns and villages are sent the first Monday in January, April, July and October. County payments are made in three installments, with 25 percent of the total annual payment on the first Monday in January; 50 percent on the first Monday in July; and 25 percent on the first Monday in October.

Craig Thompson

“The importance of a sound transportation system is especially evident as we face the challenge of the COVID-19 public emergency,” Wisconsin DOT Secretary-designee Craig Thompson emphasized in a statement. “The local system is the essential first and last miles, making sure that vital goods like food and medical supplies are getting to where they’re needed.”

Additionally, a major disaster declaration for the entire state of Wisconsin on April 4 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing federal assistance programs for all of the state’s 72 counties and federally-recognized tribes.

“I am grateful for the swift action of the federal government in reviewing our request for a major disaster declaration,” noted Governor Tony Evers (D) in a statement. “This … will help ensure Wisconsin can gain access to critical assistance as we continue our work to respond to this pandemic.”

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