The Virginia Department of Transportation recently launched a new website at that provides details on projects that are underway and planned as part of the state’s $2 billion Interstate 81 corridor improvement program.
[Above photo by the Virginia DOT.]
That website aims to help educate the general public on the benefits of the 64 funded operational and capital projects within that program – including additional lanes, widening of lanes, traffic cameras, message signs, lane extensions, and curve improvements.
The agency said the benefits of that long-term work – the current 64-project list will take approximately 13 years to complete, it noted – are 450 fewer crashes per year and six million fewer hours of traffic delays on an annual basis.
Other features of Virginia DOT’s new I-81 corridor website include: An interactive map with detailed project information, including locations and construction timelines; committee agendas and meeting minutes; along with planning documents, financial reports, and related transportation studies
“This is a one-stop-shop for information about I-81,” said David Covington, the I-81 program’s delivery director, in a statement. “If you want to know the who, what, where, when, why and how – this is the site to visit.”