The Texas Department of Transportation plans to hold a series of public meetings – both in-person and online – through December 15 as it prioritizes the state’s transportation needs through 2050.
[Above photo by TxDOT]
During previous public meetings – held in spring 2023 – regarding the agency’s Connecting Texas 2050 plan, TxDOT said state residents shared a variety of ways the Lone Star state’s transportation system could be improved to support a better quality of life over the next 25 years.

The agency noted in a statement this next batch of public meetings allow it to share potential strategies that could be implemented between now and 2050 to meet the mobility needs identified by state residents.
Some of the top priorities highlighted in previous public meetings include: Safety; infrastructure maintenance; enhancing quality of life for all Texas residents; providing alternative modes of travel and more public transportation options.
TxDOT aims to build on this feedback by hearing from all Texans, even visitors, from people in rural areas, cities, suburbs – anywhere in Texas – as it finalizes its plan at
Several state departments of transportation are currently involved in similar transportation strategy planning initiatives.
For example, the Arizona Department of Transportation recently adopted a 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan “blueprint” that sets transportation investment priorities for the agency based on anticipated future revenues and system needs.
A broad cross-section of Arizonans, nearly 10,000 in all, provided input on the plan, which Arizona DOT noted is not project-specific.
Input from those meetings “made it clear” that the agency’s top priorities should be fixing roads and preserving and maintaining existing infrastructure, along with highway projects that address growth and improve highways in rural areas, Arizona DOT noted in a statement.

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