The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Transportation Communications Committee (known as TransComm) will hold a webinar on Thursday, December 5, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET on how to effectively communicate during winter weather situations.
[Above photo by the Utah Department of Transportation.]

The webinar will give state department of transportation communications staff and stakeholders the strategies and tactics needed to get out the message ahead of the storm and provide the traveling public with the information on road conditions, along with the tips they need to stay informed, engaged, and safe throughout.
Participants will hear from Lisa Miller, traveling information and outreach manager at the Utah DOT, and Rick Nelson, coordinator for AASHTO’s Snow and Ice Cooperative Program – called SICOP – on how to tackle the challenges of winter weather operations head on and the methods on how to handle messaging in your state.
Registration is required; click here for more information about this webinar and to register for it as well.

CTDOT’s Fallon Appointed to AASHTO’s R&I Committee
February 28, 2025