In December 2024, an episode of “The Stream by AASHTO” podcast explored the new “Blueprint for Arterials” plan that seeks to design an ideal roadway network – especially for high-capacity arterial roads – to meet the needs of an ever-growing urban and suburban landscape in Missouri.
[Above image by AASHTO]
“The Stream by AASHTO” podcast is part of the AASHTO Environmental Management technical service program for state DOTs. It explores a wide array of environmental topics that affect transportation and infrastructure programs.
The “Blueprint” covered in this podcast episode results from a partnership between the Missouri Department of Transportation and East-West Gateway Metropolitan Planning Organization or MPO formed in 2023 to ensure that MoDOT builds roads to satisfy all transportation system users.
Both MoDOT and East-West Gateway MPO consider the “Blueprint” and their collaborative partnership represent a “paradigm shift” that is more than just a change in methodology: it is a belief in impactful improvements that can made in people’s lives, safety, and community connectivity when getting collective input on road network design.
To listen to the full podcast, click here.