Eight transportation projects from six western state departments of transportation received top honors in the first regional round of the 12th annual America’s Transportation Awards competition.
The winners from the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials regional competition, announced on June 12, include:
- North Dakota Department of Transportation’s Pop-Up Demonstration Projects
- California Department of Transportation’s Interstate 880 Safety and Operational Improvements at 23rd and 29th Avenues
- Texas Department of Transportation’s US 290 Reconstruction from I-610 to Beltway 8
- Washington State Department of Transportation’s SR 500 – 42nd Ave to 54th Ave Safety Improvements Project
- South Dakota Department of Transportation’s Interstate 90 Exit 14
- Nebraska Department of Transportation’s Maintenance Decision Support and Automatic Vehicle Location Project
- California Department of Transportation’s Highway 1/Mud Creek Emergency Restoration
- Washington State Department of Transportation’s I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East Project, Phases 1 and 2A
Regional contests will be held throughout the summer and the three highest-scoring projects from each region will earn a place on the list of “Top 12” projects, which will compete for the America’s Transportation Awards Grand Prize – selected by an independent panel of industry judges – and the People’s Choice Award, which is chosen by the general public through online voting.
Sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the “Top 12” projects will be announced on Aug. 23, when online voting for the People’s Choice Award will begin.
The winners of the top two awards will be announced Oct. 7, at the AASHTO Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO.
“For 12 years, the America’s Transportation Awards have recognized state DOT projects for making communities safer, less congested and better connected,” said Carlos Braceras, executive director of the Utah Department of Transportation and AASHTO’s 2018-2019 president.
“Today’s regional winners demonstrate how state DOTs collaborate with local communities and partners to develop innovative, multimodal solutions that keep people and goods moving by motor vehicle, scooters, bicycle, and on foot,” he added.

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