When you talk about maintaining mobility during inclement weather, one group of folks that can make it or break it for the state departments of transportation maintenance crews are weather forecasters.
[Above photo by the Arizona Department of Transportation.]
For that reason, the most recent Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program or “SICOP” podcast features an interview with Chris Albrecht – director of business development and consulting services at The Narwhal Group – who talks about the improvements in road weather forecasting that have occurred over the last 20 years, especially in terms of data concerning road surface conditions.

SICOP is a winter maintenance technical service program originally formed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in 1993.
Its ongoing mission: to help improve winter operations strategies for state DOTs and others involved in snow and ice removal work through the dissemination of information regarding new technologies and techniques.
To listen to “weather forecaster” SICOP podcast, visit : https://sicop.transportation.org/stwo/. It is also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Sticther.

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