Richard Price, associate program manager for transit policy and technical services for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, recently penned a column highlighting the importance of completing Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans or PTASPs required by the Federal Transit Administration by July 20 next year.
“Why the hurry? Well, to complete these plans requires extensive coordination among many stakeholders,” Price noted in his column. “Transit systems that do not comply or miss the deadline could become ineligible to receive FTA grant funds. And no one wants that.”
Price added that the PTASP final rule requires certain public transportation systems that receive federal funds under the FTA’s Urbanized Area Formula Grant (Section 5307) program to develop safety plans. Those systems can have the state DOT write the plan or they opt-out and write their own.
State DOTs, according to the rule, can write and certify agency safety plans for its FTA Section 5307 Urban Transit systems, or the transit systems can decide to write and certify their own plans, he said.
“It is a state-by-state decision,” Price pointed out. Yet he emphasized that this rule applies to transit systems with “less than 100 vehicles in revenue service,” so that needs to be taken into consideration.
More information is available here, including further PTASP details and the most recent Multi-State Transit Technical Assistance Program or MTAP technical initiatives forum for more insight into crafting agency safety plans.