PennDOT Deploys Video to Help Recruit STEM Students

To attract science, technology, engineering, and math or STEM-focused high school students to careers in the transportation industry, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is deploying a new video developed in partnership with Commonwealth Media Services as a recruiting tool.

The goal of the video is to encourage high school students to consider a wide range of job opportunities at PennDOT, from highway pavers, bridge inspectors, driver license examiners, and snow plow drivers to app developers, internet technology managers, photogrammetry technicians, and civil engineers, among others.

The video is also being shown to students participating in the agency’s School to Employment at PennDOT or STEP program, which introduces eligible high school students who have completed their junior year to jobs within PennDOT’s operations division.

It also provides them with meaningful work assignments supporting a variety of PennDOT functions from skilled trades and professional/technical/business functions to administrative/clerical work, the agency added.

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