PennDOT Activates Annual Highway Safety Survey

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation activated its annual online Highway Safety Survey on July 27 – found at

[Above photo by the Pennsylvania State Police.]

The survey – which aims to gather motorist input on traffic safety and driving behaviors – takes roughly five minutes to complete and will be available on PennDOT’s website through August 17.  All responses, including the “comments” fields, are anonymous, the agency added.

Yassmin Gramian. Photo by PennDOT.

“Safety is our top priority and we value continued public engagement in making our roadways safer,” explained Yassmin Gramian, PennDOT’s secretary, in a statement. “The results from this annual survey help us gauge participants’ attitudes on highway safety, and potentially allow us to adjust our safety activities so we can further reduce crashes and fatalities.”

PennDOT said more than 10,000 people responded to last year’s survey. Notably, nearly 91 percent of respondents said they always wear a seat belt and 89 percent said they never drive while impaired.

When asked which behaviors distracted them while driving in the last month, only 14 percent of respondents to PennDOT’s annual survey in 2019 indicated “using a hand-held cell phone” was a distraction, while 38 percent of those surveyed indicated “adjusting the radio or climate controls” was a distraction and 37 percent indicated they were distracted by an object outside of the vehicle.

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