In this installment of the ‘On Time with Tymon’ video series, Jim Tymon – executive director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials – provides a preview of the 2021 Washington Briefing, being held virtually February 23 through February 25.
AASHTO’s annual Washington Briefing conference will focus on establishing partnerships with President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress to pass a robust infrastructure-based economic stimulus package and a long-term surface transportation reauthorization bill.
In what will be one of his first official speeches as U.S. Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg will deliver live remarks on Thursday, February 25.
Additionally, leadership from relevant transportation committees from the House of Representatives and Senate will speak, along with the new leaders of the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Railroad Administration.
Use this link to view the entire 2021 Washington Briefing agenda. To register for the event, click here.