Oklahoma DOT Installing Fishing Trail Signage Statewide

New “Fishing Trail” signs are going up across Oklahoma thanks to a new partnership between the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department.

[Above photo by the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department.]

The Oklahoma DOT is erecting roadside signs highlighting the location of the Oklahoma Fishing Trail loops – an effort aimed at promoting the state’s unique fishing opportunities and increase revenue, the trail highlights lakes and rivers around the state.

The Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department selected the locations and the Oklahoma DOT is erecting 815 signs at a cost of $35 per sign across the six fishing trail loops statewide to alert visitors to the prime fishing spots in the region.

The Oklahoma DOT said in a statement that it would provide ongoing maintenance for the 18-inch by 24-inch signs while the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department pays for the installation costs.

The Oklahoma DOT – which said planning for this sign installation endeavor began in 2019 – is installing the first of these fishing signs southwestern Oklahoma, with statewide installation of all the signs expected by the end of March.

Markers will be placed under highway identification signs at state highway junctions and will indicate to anglers which loop of the fishing trail they are near, with each loop designated by a color: northeastern (green), southeastern (orange), south central (blue), central (purple), southwestern (gold) and northwestern (red), each having a variety of fish available.

The 18 inch x 24 inch signs are the same color as the designated region, display a rod with a lure and read “Oklahoma Fishing Trail.”

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