New York Issues $110M to Support Local Transportation

Roughly $110 million in funding from the Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Alternatives Program and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program aims to support community-based transportation investments across New York – strengthening the “cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects” of local and regional transportation systems, while promoting safety and mobility.

[Above photo via the New York Governor’s Office]

The New York State Department of Transportation will disburse the funding, providing up to 80 percent of project-related cost, with the remaining 20 percent provided by project sponsors.

Gov. Cuomo. Photo by the New York Governor’s Office.

Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) explained in a statement that New York will use that funding to support projects that expand or enhance bicycle and pedestrian facilities, improve access to public transportation, create safe routes to schools, convert abandoned railway corridors to pedestrian trails and help reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

“This program is a great example of how NYSDOT is continuing to advance policies and programs that afford all New Yorkers safe and environmentally sound mobility opportunities for work, recreation and social connectivity,” added Marie Therese Dominguez, the agency’s commissioner.

Marie Therese Dominguez at left. Photo by NYSDOT.

“These critical community-based investments provide positive impacts for our downtown business districts and enhance the overall safety and quality of life for our state’s residents and visitors,” she said.

The NYSDOT also noted that projects seeking funds through this fiscal offering must be related to the surface transportation system and provide full public access.

They also must demonstrate public benefit, air quality improvement, and finance and/or delivery innovation. Municipalities could also apply to use those funds to support activities that meet requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA, the agency noted.

Eligible project activities include:

  • Constructing new/enhancing existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
  • Constructing new/enhancing existing ADA accessible sidewalks, installing pedestrian safety features and adding streetscaping/corridor landscaping.
  • Converting abandoned railroad corridors into multi-use recreational trails.
  • Preserving/rehabilitating historic transportation facilities.
  • Implementing environmental mitigation measures to address stormwater management, control, and water pollution prevention or abatement related to highway runoff.
  • Reducing vehicle-caused wildlife mortality or to restore and maintain connectivity among terrestrial or aquatic habitats.
  • Enhancing traffic signals or intersections that improve traffic flow; and
  • Providing travel demand programs intended to shift traffic demand to non-peak hours or other transportation modes.

The New York State Department of Transportation will be accepting applications for this funding through September 29.

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