The Nevada Department of Transportation debuted a “Walk and Roll Wednesdays” program on March 30 to provide socially distanced Nevada families an opportunity for healthy and fun outdoor activity.
[Above photo via the Nevada DOT.]
The agency said in a statement that this initiative encourages families to spend at least 20 minutes outside every Wednesday, and as many other days of the week as possible, being active.
This includes walking, bicycling, hiking or other outdoor activities in family groups of 10 or less. While walking or bicycling, the agency said families should practice “social distancing” by keeping at least six feet away from other members of the public and avoid touching any shared outdoor equipment, as well as to cover coughs and sneezes and wash hands immediately upon returning home.
Families can post photos of their “walk and roll” activities to social media by tagging @nevadadot on Twitter and using the hashtag #WalkandRollNV.
The Nevada DOT added that with many families staying home to help reduce spread of COVID-19, “walk and roll” offers a chance to be healthy while learning about safe bicycling and walking.
This “walk and roll” effort is being spearheaded by the Nevada DOT’s Safe Routes to Schools program, which aims to improve students’ ability to safely walk and bike to school by providing students with bicycling and pedestrian education, plus related activities, such as Walk and Bike to School Day.