The Mississippi Department of Transportation launched a new website on Jan. 31 aimed at increasing the “transparency and accountability” of bridge and pavement condition data provided to the general public.
[Above photo by the Mississippi Transportation Commission.]
“The data presented on this new website isn’t new; [we’ve] always made the data available,” noted Melinda McGrath, Mississippi DOT’s executive director, in a statement. “The website presents the data in a new, more user-friendly way.”
The agency’s new Public Accountability Transportation Hub or PATH – located at – provides an interactive visual analysis of historical and current statewide road and bridge conditions, she said.
Right now, the Mississippi DOT’s PATH site offers data on the condition of all bridges on the state-owned transportation system, as well as pavement conditions for all state-maintained highways and interstates. In the future, the agency plans to add a feature that will allow the public to view active construction projects throughout the state.
“As a state agency, Mississippi DOT is accountable to the citizens of Mississippi,” McGrath said. “Using actual data collected by [our] staff, this site will allow the people of Mississippi to see the condition of the state’s transportation infrastructure.”