Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann (R) recently joined the Mississippi Department of Transportation’s “Extra Mile” podcast to discuss the fifth anniversary of the completion of the I-269 highway project and talk about other transportation infrastructure initiatives going on statewide.
[Above photo by the Mississippi DOT]
“We’ve put around $2.3 billion worth of infrastructure [funding] into the state,” he said. “I’ve been particularly pleased with our emergency road and bridge program that we have here. We put $100 million into it last year and our counties have particularly good use of it and we hope to put a similar amount into it this year. We’ve have a lot of transportation issues like those around that state that we are addressing.”
Hosemann added that this investment occurred alongside retiring 12 percent of the state’s debt over the past year. “That’s not talked about a lot,” he said. “But if we continue to do that we should end retiring nearly 24 percent of the state’s total debt over the last two years. And that allows us to repurpose more funds to other issues, such as infrastructure.”
Hosemann also talked about the anti-litter efforts going on statewide. “I’ve never understood this; we spend millions of dollars picking up other people’s trash. I mean, come on, ya’ll; we have to spend millions picking up your trash? Just take it home and throw it away.”