The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, in conjunction with the Louisiana Transportation Research Center and the Southeastern Association of State Highway Transportation Officials or SASHTO, recently provided 10 Louisiana university students with scholarships.
[Above photo via Louisiana Tech]
Those $1,000-per-student scholarships went to 10 juniors and seniors pursuing civil engineering degrees at four Louisiana universities: Louisiana Tech University, Louisiana State University, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and McNeese State University.
SASHTO, which provides the funding for those scholarships, said it has provided nearly 300 scholarships totaling $293,000 since 2003. Louisiana participates in the organization’s scholarship program as a member state of SASHTO.
In addition to Louisiana, SASHTO is comprised of the state departments of transportation from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

“Every year we are able to give out scholarships to 10 deserving students who show interest in the transportation field,” explained Louisiana DOTD Secretary Shawn Wilson, Ph.D., in a statement. He also serves as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2021-2022 president.
“This partnership has allowed us help 283 students with their tuition,” Wilson added. “It is my hope that these bright individuals will use their knowledge to one day bring new, innovative ideas to our state.”
SASHTO noted that students who receive one of these scholarships must be in good academic standing at their respective universities, including consideration of their grade point averages during application review.
Each prospective scholarship recipient must also submit a one-page description stating how their university courses reflect their interest in transportation. Those students who have participated in Louisiana DOTD’s summer engineering and co-op programs receive extra credit, the agency noted.

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