Kansas DOT Seeks Concepts for TA Program Grants

The Kansas Department of Transportation is officially soliciting project concepts for roughly $14 million in 2022 and 2023 Transportation Alternatives or TA program grants.

[Above photo by the Kansas DOT.]

The agency said in a statement that its TA program provides funding for a variety of alternative transportation projects, which includes: the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities; infrastructure for non-driver access to public transportation; projects that enhance safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders; projects that improve scenic or environmental assets in the state; plus Safe-Routes-to-School initiatives.

The Kansas DOT added that project concepts are due by July 31 and that those selected for funding will be required to meet a minimum 20 percent local match as well as cover all non-participating expenses, such as preliminary engineering, right-of-way, utilities, etc.

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