More than 300 executives representing the highway design and construction industry attended a Georgia Department of Transportation-sponsored forum highlighting the scope and long-term needs of its $1.3 billion State Route (SR) 400 Express Lanes Project, scheduled to be substantially completed in mid-2027.
[Above photo by Georgia DOT.]
“We were absolutely thrilled with the turnout, and we believe it shows the high level of interest in both the SR 400 Express Lanes project and Georgia’s Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) overall,” said Russell McMurry, Georgia DOT commissioner, in a statement.

“This is a significant moment in not only the SR 400 Express Lanes Project, but in the department’s history as it marks the start of procurement for the department’s first Design-Build-Finance-Maintain project and the first MMIP P3 project,” he noted.
The SR 400 Express Lane project consists of 16.1 miles of express lanes managed by congestion-based pricing and will add two separated express lanes in each direction between the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority North Springs Station and McGinnis Ferry Road in Fulton County and one separated express lane in each direction from McGinnis Ferry Road to approximately one-mile north of McFarland Parkway in Forsyth County.
Darryl VanMeter, Georgia DOT’s assistant P3 director, noted that this project is designed to improve mobility along this vital north-south transportation corridor, serve as part of the larger Georgia Express Lanes network, and provide a connected transportation system with reliable trip times for motorists.

“As the region continues to grow, we determined that we simply can’t widen our way out of it,” he said.
“Every time we built new lanes they just kept filling up,” VanMeter pointed out. “The SR 400 Express Lanes project takes an innovative approach to tackling congestion and empowering motorists to have further options and a more reliable trip.”

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