The Federal Highway Administration awarded six road repair and bridge undertakings a total of $321.4 million worth of grants via its Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects or NSFLTP program.
[Above photo via Wikimedia Commons.]
FHWA said in a statement on June 5 that those are the first grants awarded under this program via a Notice of Funding Opportunity published last October. The agency said it received 39 applications in total, with estimated construction costs approaching $2 billion, via the NSFLTP NOFO issued last year.

FHWA added that the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation or FAST Act established the NSFLTP program to provide federal funding for the construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of transportation projects providing access to or located on federal or tribal lands.
Under the NSFLTP, the agency said the federal share of a project can be up to 90 percent and can be used to improve the condition of a critical transportation facility.
Large-scale projects with estimated construction costs of $50 million or more are given priority consideration for selection, FHWA added, but the program accepts projects with estimated construction costs of at least $25 million.

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