DDOT Now Accepting Applications for TAP funding

Roughly $1.2 million in grants are being made available by the District Department of Transportation through the federal Transportation Alternatives Program or TAP, which provides funding to projects considered to be “alternatives” to traditional highway construction.

Applications will be accepted through August 15, DDOT said in a statement, and eligible project sponsors include local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts and agencies, tribal governments and other appropriate local or regional governmental entities.

Nonprofits are eligible to partner with any eligible entity on an eligible TAP project, if state or local requirements permit, the agency added.

DDOT noted that funds will be distributed through a citywide competitive process for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • They relate to surface transportation;
  • They qualify under one of the several eligible activities geared towards bicycle and pedestrian activities, community improvements, environmental mitigation, as well as recreational trails; and,
  • They further the mission, initiative, and plans of District agencies such as MOVE DC and Sustainable DC.

Online applications, details about eligible activities, sponsors, and further submission information is available here.

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