Connecticut DOT Featured in Two-Minute Update Video

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently released the latest episode in its “State DOT 2-Minute Update” video series; this one featuring the Connecticut Department of Transportation.

[Above photo by AASHTO]

The video features an interview with Garrett Eucalitto – commissioner of the Connecticut DOT and AASHTO 2023-2024 vice president – who outlined the state’s proactive strategies in response to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act or IIJA, as well as emphasizing the many safety initiatives undertaken by his agency, such as wrong-way driver countermeasures and work zone speed camera programs.

“We are looking at safety as our top priority,” Eucalitto explained in the video. “Last year, we completed a pilot program for wrong-way driver countermeasures because we saw a rash of wrong-way drivers killing people on our interstate highway.”

Eucalitto added that the Connecticut DOT’s work zone speed camera pilot program achieved such major success during its one-year operation period that the state legislature recently voted to make it a permanent program across the state.

“We [found] 20 percent of all drivers [going] through work zones were speeding and we issued 28,000 warning letters and 724 tickets and it was clear – based on the number of warnings versus actual tickets – that most people got the message and didn’t repeat the offence.”

Additionally, Eucalitto discussed his agency’s sustainability efforts – such as its program to transition to battery-powered all-electric transit buses – and the Connecticut DOT’s ongoing commitment to ensuring all curb ramps are America’s with Disabilities Act-compliant statewide.

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