Alaska DOT&PF Opens Marine Highway Report for Review

The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities opened a draft of its Alaska Marine Highway System or AMHS Economic Reshaping Report for public review on January 16.

[Above photo by the Alaska DOT&PF.]

The agency said this 154-page report seeks to identify potential reductions to the State of Alaska’s financial obligation and/or liability as related to the AMHS and its findings will be used to shape future AMHS conversations, starting with the fiscal year 2021 budget.

Photo by Alaska DOT&PF

The Alaska DOT&PF added in a statement that though it originally received this draft from Northern Economics last October, due to the volume of data and complexity of the issues, it needed to be verified for accuracy before being released for public review.

The agency initially issued a request for this report in March last year with June 2020 remaining the target date for implementation of the report’s recommendations.

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