AASHTO’s Research Advisory Committee Offers White Paper Series

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Research Advisory Committee Work Group has compiled a series of “how to” white papers to help state DOTs tailor National Cooperative Highway Research Program research “needs statements” more effectively.

[Above photo by Jeminus.]

The RAC said its series includes white papers on a variety of research topics such as: writing a strategic plan; determining the value of research; and how to find funding sources.

The committee explained that such documents will provide a “high-level view” of the various processes that can be leveraged to advance different types of transportation research “needs statements” for NCHRP acceptance.

The RAC’s “how to” white paper library can be accessed at: https://research.transportation.org/aashto-committee-outreach/

And as a reminder, the nomination period for RAC’s annual compilation of “high value” research projects will close on March 31. To submit a project for consideration, visit highvalueresearch.org

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