New AASHTO Census Data Set for Transportation Planning

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently introduced the latest data set from its AASHTO Census Transportation Solutions technical service program or ACTS; a cooperative program funded by state departments of transportation that produces a set of special transportation-focused tabulations using large sample surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. 

[Above image by AASHTO

The data set is called Census Transportation Planning Product or CTPP and the main uses of its tabulations are for creating population forecasts; modeling travel demand; analyzing the socio-demographics of a population; creating models of vehicle ownership; and validating transportation forecast output. 

CTPP tabulations include three geographies: residence-based, workplace-based, and worker flows between home and work. Worker “home-to-work” travel flow information is unique to the CTPP tabulations, AASHTO noted. 

“After much anticipation, we are thrilled to announce the release of the 2017-2021 CTPP dataset, a vital resource that provides crucial insights into commuting patterns and transportation behaviors across the nation,” said Samantha Biddle, deputy secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation and chair of ACTS. 

“This CTPP release represents AASHTO’s continued commitment to equipping transportation planners, researchers, and policymakers with the comprehensive data they need to make informed decisions about our transportation infrastructure,” she said. 

The CTPP and its predecessor, the Urban Transportation Planning Package, tabulated data first from the 10-year Census long form then subsequently from five-year estimates derived from the American Community Survey or ACS, which provides additional transportation-related data that was once part of the Census long form. 

CTPP offers datasets in five-year packages – with the 2017-2021 dataset as the most recent iteration – available via the AASHTO website at

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