AASHTO Reappoints Three to AASHTOWare Committee

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials reappointed three members to its Special Committee on AASHTOWare, which oversees the development of the organization’s cooperative computer software development program.

All three will serve new three-year terms that start on July 1 this year and end on June 30, 2023.

Those three reappointed committee members are:

  • Kevin Dayton, chief engineer of the Washington State Department of Transportation.
  • Jeffrey Hill, chief information officer for the Georgia Department of Transportation.
  • Devin Townsend, chief technology officer at the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

AASHTOWare – which offers a suite of transportation software products delivered through a collaborative business model with state departments of transportation across the country – is working with Utah-based Numetric, Inc., to jointly deliver a comprehensive toolset in the traffic safety analytics space built on a “software-as-a-service” or SaaS platform.

That co-branded safety software product will be available for licensing to customers on July 1.

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