AASHTO Issues Second Edition of GFRP Composite Material Guidebook

The American Association for State Highway and Transportation Officials released the second edition of its “LRFD Bridge Design Guide Specifications for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete” on Dec. 12.

This edition updates Load & Resistance Factor Design or LRFD specifications with descriptions of the “unique material properties” of glass fiber reinforced polymer or GFRP composite materials, as well as provisions for the design and construction of concrete bridge decks and railings reinforced with GFRP reinforcing bars.

AASHTO said this revised second edition also includes: consideration of flexural members, such as girders and bent caps, not included in first edition; consideration of substructure and foundation elements along with compression members; differentiation between the fatigue and creep limit states; and revised shear design methodology.

Some of the other major updates in this new edition include a title change from the first edition – issued in 2009 and called “LRFD Bridge Design Guide Specification for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks and Traffic Railings” – to acknowledge the inclusion of information beyond bridge decks and traffic railings as well as ensure “greater consistency” with AASHTO’s eighth edition “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications” guide.


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