The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials plans to address several key data issues impacting state departments of transportation at the annual meeting of its Committee on Data Management and Analytics or CDMA October 10-12 in Denver.
[Above image by AASHTO]
CDMA also plans to hold a Chief Data Officers Peer Exchange in conjunction with its annual meeting, which will provide state DOTs with an opportunity to explore the many pressing technical and vexing philosophical issues of transportation data practitioners.
Sessions at the CDMA annual meeting will explore key data management, governance, and privacy issues – discussing, for example, the best way for state DOTs to deal with records of authority, as well as what kinds of data state DOTs should share and make public.
The meeting will also delve into what the development of “open and consistent” data standards means to state DOTs, as well as how determining such standards and getting clarity around them allows state DOTs to get more value out of data they collect and store for future needs.
To register for the CDMA annual meeting, click here.

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February 14, 2025