The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials has appointed a new chair and vice chair for its Committee on Human Resources.
[Above photo by the Idaho Transportation Department]
AASHTO’s Committee on Human Resources recommends processes, best practices, and policies that enable the human resource functions of state transportation agencies to become stronger, innovative, and more efficient.

AASHTO appointed Brenda Williams, chief human resources officer for the Idaho Transportation Department, to chair its human resources committee for a two-year term.
Williams – who holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Utah State University – has worked for the Idaho Transportation Department for over eight years, managing a staff of 30 and an annual budget of $2.3 million.
AASHTO also appointed Jeff Pelton, director of human resources and safety for the Washington State Department of Transportation, as vice chair of the human resources committee for a two-year term.
Pelton – who holds a bachelor’s degree in information technology from the University of Phoenix and a master’s of science degree in human resources from Chapman University – has worked at WSDOT for more than 17 years.

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