Mississippi DOT’s Carr Wins CTAA Award for the Second Time

Charles Carr, director of the Mississippi Department of Transportation’s Office of Intermodal Planning, received the Dr. Aaron Henry Distinguished Service Award from the Community Transportation Association of America on May 22 for the second time during the group’s annual conference – held this year in Palm Springs, CA.

The organization gave this award to Carr – who received it previously in 2006 – in recognition for his “professional dedication and personal commitment to improving mobility options” for communities across the country, particularly those in rural areas, along with his longstanding service as a member of CTAA’s Board of Directors and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Council on Public Transportation.

Dr. Henry – a renowned civil rights leader in Mississippi – was a founding member of CTAA’s Board of Directors and was an early pioneer in raising awareness of the importance of affordable, effective, and reliable mobility in addressing a range of societal challenges.

Carr has served as director of the Mississippi DOT’s intermodal planning office since 2011 – an office that oversees the agency’s freight, aeronautics and transit divisions – after a stint as the director of its public transit division.

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