AASHTO Launches Major TSP Rebranding Effort

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials officially unveiled a comprehensive rebranding effort for its technical service programs or TSPs at its 2023 Spring Meeting in Seattle. Meanwhile, AASHTO conducted “digital transformation” of its website and the services offered through it.

[Above image by AASHTO]

“When we developed our 2021-2026 strategic plan, we recognized the need to address AASHTO’s branding in general and that we needed to connect our TSPs more directly to the AASHTO name,” explained Jim Tymon, AASHTO executive director.

He noted that this rebranding initiative – in the works for more than a year – results from a directive AASHTO received from its membership.

“It will help us to better establish our TSP programs in the transportation market,” Tymon noted. “We’re extremely excited about this; it is a great step forward for us to more broadly leverage the AASHTO brand.”

Concurrently, AASHTO spent over a year on its digital transformation project – unveiling its new website the week before its 2023 Spring Meeting.

“This is really more than just a website; it is really about how to connect with AASHTO,” Tymon noted. “We rebuilt our website from the ground up because feedback from our membership and stakeholders indicated we needed a cleaner and more streamlined look and format.”

To ensure a smooth and consistent user experience, AASHTO migrated all of its web properties into a single, unified platform that lets users access everything with a single login and password – providing faster and more streamlined access to all of AASHTO’s resources.

As meetings are an essential component of how AASHTO operates, interacts, and collaborates with members, partners, and transportation stakeholders, the new website offers a faster and simplified way to easily view and register online for the latest AASHTO meetings, which are prominently displayed on its new homepage.

“It really has been a big undertaking for us,” Tymon said.

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