The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently released interim revisions for its Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 3rd Edition, originally published in 2018.
[Above image by AASHTO]
This guidebook, divided into eight sections, assists bridge owners by establishing inspection procedures and evaluation practices that meet the National Bridge Inspection Standards.
Updates included in the 2022 Interim Revisions to the Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 3rd Edition include:
- Section 6: Load Rating: Removal of Article 6A.5.12; the addition of Articles Article 6A.10 and Article 6B.9, which include information on culvert load rating, including analysis methods.
- Appendix A: Example A3—Simple Span Pre-stressed Concrete: I-Girder Bridge Evaluation of an Interior Girder (Load and Resistance Factor Rating or LRFR only) has been replaced in its entirety and has been updated for terminology and closer correlation with AASHTOWare Bridge
AASHTO noted that it is necessary to have the 2022 Interim Revisions, as well as the 2020 Interim Revisions, in order to have all current specification information.
To order these 2022 interim revisions, visit the online AASHTO Store or click here.