AASHTO Seeking ‘High Value’ Research Projects

Each year, the Research Advisory Committee of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials asks state departments of transportation to identify and document recently completed “high-value” research projects. The RAC then publishes an annual compilation of all these projects in a document called Research Impacts: Better – Faster – Cheaper, which helps eliminate or reduce duplication of research.

States must nominate projects by March 31, with regional review and voting for the top 16 projects identified via that process – dubbed the “Sweet 16” – taking place from April 1 through April 30.

The final “Sweet 16” projects will be identified by May 15 so that the states may make preparations to present projects and be recognized at the RAC/Transportation Research Board State Representatives Annual Meeting, which is typically held in July.

State DOTs may nominate any research project with the following qualifications:

  • The project must be completed by March 31. Projects may have been completed in prior years as long as they have not been previously submitted.
  • A state may submit research projects on which it served as the lead contracting agency, regardless of the funding source.
  • States may combine multiple related or phased projects into a single entry, provided that at least one of the projects fits the qualifications laid out in the first two bullet points.

For more information on program, or submit a project for consideration, visit highvalueresearch.org.


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