TRB Opens 15th Annual “Communicating Concepts” Contest

The Transportation Research Board is accepting entries for its 15th annual “Communicating Concepts with John and Jane Q. Public” competition, which will focus on efforts to highlight “new and emerging” transportation technologies that are transforming and reshaping how people and goods move from point A to point B.

[Above image by TRB]

Those “new and emerging” technologies include automated vehicles; micromobility options, such as bikeshare and electric scooters; drone delivery; innovative intersection and streetscape designs; plus new app-based mobility services and operating models.

Key questions for entries to answer in this year’s competition include:

  • How have transportation providers or planners prepared to communicate new and emerging transportation technologies to the public?
  • What existing communications plans or techniques are helping successfully communicate transportation innovations?
  • What lessons have been learned about communicating with transportation users as these new and non-traditional technologies are rolled out into our traditional transportation network?
  • What measures were used to determine if the communications efforts were successful?

TRB’s Committee on Public Engagement and Communications established the John and Jane Q. Public Competition as a way to seek and share best practices and innovative approaches in communicating complex transportation information to the public.

Individuals, agencies, and private companies working for agencies that communicate transportation topics to the public can compete in this annual event – submission information is available by clicking here – with winning entries featured during two sessions at the TRB 101th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., January 9-13, 2022.

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