Illinois DOT’s Osman Given WTS Diversity Award

The Women’s Transportation Seminar International recently awarded Omer Osman (seen above), secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Honorable Ray LaHood Award for his longtime efforts to promote diversity within the state agency.

[Above photo by the Illinois DOT]

The WTS Greater Chicago chapter nominated Osman – a 31-year Illinois DOT employee who has led the agency since 2019 – for WTS’s national diversity award for his “outstanding commitment” to the advancement of women and minorities in the transportation industry.

Omer Osman at podium. Photo by the Illinois DOT.

“Secretary Osman embodies the spirit of the Honorable Ray LaHood Award as a dedicated advocate working to eliminate barriers for women and minorities in the transportation industry,” noted Paula Hammond, chair of the WTS International board of directors, in a statement.

“His support of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, minority, and women owned businesses at Illinois DOT is outstanding,” she added. “Secretary Osman is truly a champion of diversity and equity.”

“At Illinois DOT, we’re committed to ensuring equitable opportunities across the board,” Osman said. “Whether it’s promoting women to leadership positions or ensuring women- and minority-owned businesses have a level playing field in our industry, we are dedicated to creating a culture of equality and a team that is representative of the full spectrum of our great state.”

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