AASHTO Releases Two New Publications and an Update

Two new publications and a publication update are now available from the new online AASHTO Store.

The first is the LRFD Guide Specifications for Accelerated Bridge Construction, 1st edition.

Many state departments of transportation and the Federal Highway Administration are actively promoting accelerated bridge construction or ABC to reduce traffic impacts, onsite construction time, environmental impacts, and life cycle costs, while improving work zone safety, site constructability, material quality, and product durability, while replacing the nation’s transportation infrastructure.

With ABC, prefabricated elements reduce or eliminate the onsite construction time that is needed to build a similar structural component using conventional construction methods – and AASHTO’s new guide specifications compile the recommended design and construction specifications for such ABC-focused prefabricated bridge elements and systems.

The second new item is the 7th edition of the AASHTO Roadway Lighting Design Guide, which has been revised to reflect current practices in roadway lighting. This guide provides a general overview of lighting systems from the point-of-view of state DOTs and recommends minimum design parameters.

Finally, AASHTO recently provided 2019 interim revisions to the 7th edition of its AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2015 Bridge Welding Code.

AASHTO said these free interim updates have received initial approval from the AWS D1 Committee and the AASHTO Committee on Bridges and Structures; however, the Bridge Welding Code will not be officially revised to incorporate them until those interim standards go through the complete AWS consensus review and approval process.

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